Software Testing

Software TestingiNFOTYKE2024-07-08T08:05:54+05:30

Software testing is a crucial phase in the development cycle, ensuring that applications function correctly, efficiently, and securely. At our digital marketing agency, we understand that high-quality software is the backbone of successful digital campaigns and client satisfaction. Our software testing services are designed to identify and rectify defects, enhancing the reliability and performance of your digital solutions.

We employ a comprehensive approach to software testing, encompassing various techniques and methodologies to cover all aspects of an application. This includes functional testing to verify that the software operates according to specifications, performance testing to assess how the system performs under load, and security testing to safeguard against potential vulnerabilities. Our team also specializes in usability testing, ensuring that the end-user experience is intuitive and engaging.

Automation is a key component of our testing strategy. By leveraging advanced tools and frameworks, we can execute extensive test cases efficiently, providing rapid feedback and accelerating the development process. Our continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices ensure that testing is seamlessly integrated into your development workflow, enabling early detection and resolution of issues.

Partnering with our digital marketing agency for software testing means your applications will not only meet but exceed industry standards, ensuring a robust foundation for your marketing initiatives and overall business success.

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    We, at iNFOTYKE, are masters in software testing and hence we offer expert software testing services

    • Experts in using a wide range of tools for defect tracking, automation and test management

    • Skilled to provide both manual as well as test automation services

    • Potential to handle open source technologies as well as commercial tools


    Testing Team

    The software testing team at iNFOTYKE is proficient in

    • Performance testing

    • Test consulting services

    • Release testing

    • Test Automation – Functional testing of flash applications

    • Test automation – Installation testing

    • Test automation – Redstone’s eggplant tool

    • Assistance in migration from manual to automation testing

    • Assistance in migration to open source testing tools


    The software testing services offered at iNFOTYKE.

    • Test Automation

    • Accessibility Testing

    • Compatibility Testing

    • Performance Testing

    • System/Integration Testing

    • Installation/Configuration Testing

    • Internationalization/Localization Testing

    • Security Testing

    • Defect Verification

    • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

    • Regression Testing

    • Automated Test Script Development Services

    • Functional testing (Unit, Integration & System)

    • GUI and Usability Testing


    iNFOTYKE also provides the following maintenance and support services in Software Testing:

    • Continuous support (bug fixing, problems analysis and resolution and on-call support)

    • Adaptive enhancements (modifications to support changes in requirements – either for your business or technically)

    • Upgrades (new functionality/features)

    • Technical Improvement (optimization restructuring/rewriting)


    Software testing focuses primarily on evaluating or assessing product quality, which is realized through the following core practices

    • Find and document defects in software quality

    • Offer advice on the perceived software quality

    • Validate and prove the assumptions made in design and requirement specifications through concrete demonstration

    • Validate that the software product works as designed

    • Validate that the requirements are implemented appropriately

    Software Testing

    The levels of software testing

    • Acceptance testing – To verify that the software is ready and that it can be used by end users to perform those functions and tasks for which the software was built.

    • Independent stakeholder testing – Testing that is based on the needs and concerns of various stakeholders

    • Unit testing – Unit testing focuses on verifying the smallest testable elements of the software

    • Integration testing – To ensure that the components in the implementation model operate properly when combined to execute a use case

    • System testing – Usually the target is the system’s end-to-end functioning elements

    Key measures of quality assurance software testing.

    The key measures of a test include Coverage and Quality. Test Coverage is the measurement of testing completeness. It is based on the coverage of testing expressed by the coverage of test requirements and test cases or by the coverage of executed code. Test coverage includes requirements based coverage and code based coverage. Quality is a measure of the reliability, stability, and performance of the target-of-test (system or application-under-test). Quality is based on evaluating test results and analyzing change requests (defects) identified during testing.


    Testing is applied to different types of targets, in different stages or levels of work effort. These levels are distinguished typically by those roles that are best skilled to design and conduct the tests, and where techniques are most appropriate for testing at each level. It’s important to ensure that a balance of focus is retained across these different work efforts.

    1. Developer testing

    Developer testing denotes the aspects of test design and implementation, most appropriate for the team of developers to undertake. In most cases, test execution initially occurs with the developer-testing group who designed and implemented the test but it is a good practice for the developers to create their tests in such a way so as to make them available to independent testing groups for execution.

    2. Independent testing

    Independent testing denotes the test design and implementation most appropriately performed by someone who is independent from the team of developers. In most cases, test execution initially occurs with the independent testing group that designed and implemented the test, but the independent testers should create their tests to make them available to the developer testing groups for execution.

    The benefits of outsourcing software testing services to iNFOTYKE

    • Experienced QA professionals

    • Certified and trained consultants

    • Automation expertise

    • Test data management expertise

    • Services delivered within a quick turnaround time

    • Engineering approach to software testing

    • Flexibility – team size can be increased based on customer’s requirement

    • Less hand holding and faster adaptability

    Outsourcing software testing services to iNFOTYKE will enable your company to concentrate on its core business activities while our testing experts handle your software testing work.

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